Dr. Philipp R. Heck, Head, Robert A. Pritzker Center; Curator in Charge of Meteorites and Physical Geology, Robert A. Pritzker Curator of Meteoritics and Polar Studies; Senior Director, Negaunee Integrative Research Center
Mr. James L. Holstein, Collections Manager for Meteorites and Physical Geology
Dr. Maria C. Valdes, Research Associate
Graduate Students
Julie M. Korsmeyer (resident), University of Chicago
Debarun Mukherjee (resident), University of Chicago
Natasha Rodkin (resident), University of Chicago
Basil Saleem (resident), University of Chicago
Xin Yang, University of Chicago
Daniel Zhou (resident), University of Chicago
Yuke Zheng (resident), University of Chicago
Arnav Swaroop, University of California, Berkeley
Emmy Sun Williams, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
David Boehnlein
Drew Carhart
Steven Zitowsky
Research Associates in Meteoritics (Honorary Appointments)
Dr. Andrew Campbell, University of Chicago
Dr. Nicolas Dauphas, University of Chicago
Dr. Andrew M. Davis, University of Chicago
Dr. Larry Grossman, University of Chicago (Emeritus)
Dr. Frank Richter, University of Chicago (Emeritus)
Dr. Birger Schmitz, Lund University, Sweden
Dr. Steven Simon, University of New Mexico
Dr. Thomas Stephan, University of Chicago
Dr. Stephen R. Sutton, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
Previous Curators
Dr. Henry Nichols
Dr. Sharat Roy
Dr. Meenakshi Wadhwa, now at Arizona State University
Former Postdocs, Graduate Students, Interns and Volunteers
Dr. Jasmina Wiemann, now Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Krysten Villalon, now Core Scientist at Northwestern University
Bill Parkhurst
Iza Lepkowski
Alexis Walters
Dr. Jennika Greer, now at Chalmers University, Sweden
Dr. Xenia Ritter
Magda Roth
George Roth
Emily Woodworth
James Barranco
Thomas Cortellesi, University of Chicago
Andrew Heard, University of Chicago
Alexandra Warren, University of Chicago
Katarina Keating, University of Chicago, now at University of Michigan
Shannon Sheu, University of Chicago
Kevin Eisenstein, Northwestern University
Dr. Levke Kööp, now at CheMetall
Mingen Augustin Pan, Master Student, University of Chicago
Dr. Surya Snata Rout, now Assistant Professor at National Institute of Science Education and Research, Odisha
Dr. Manavi Jadhav, now Assistant Professor at University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Mary Sue Coates, Volunteer
Ben Schafer, University of Chicago
Nick Sitaras, University of Chicago
Chris Kelly, now at Bruker
Sara Rastegar, Northwestern University
Caroline Clark, Bryn Mawr College
Emily Levin, Undergradute Intern, Northwestern University
Kaitlyn McCain, Undergraduate Intern, University of Chicago, now at graduate student at UCLA
Nan Liu, Graduate Student, University of Chicago, now at Assistant Research Professor at WUSTL
Reto Trappitsch, now at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Elanor Albarran, intern from Princeton University
Asna Ansari, intern from Northwestern University
Karoline Brückel, University of Bonn, Germany
Christopher Boudreaux, intern from Dartmouth College
Yaal Dryer, High School Intern
Libby Dybal, Arizona State University
Rebecca Friedlander, high school and undergraduate intern, now at University of Vermont
Brit Hvide, intern from Northwestern University
Nathan Isaacs, University of Chicago Laboratory School
Evan Johnson-Ransom, high school intern
Dr. Ashley J. King, postdoctoral scholar from the University of Chicago
Clarita Nuñez, volunteer and former Collections Manager
Sarah Pipal, high school intern
Samuel Simon, intern from Carnegie Mellon University
Maria Valdes, intern University of Chicago, now Meeker postdoctoral fellow
Evelina Yarmit, high school intern